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Genetic parameters and genotype by environment interactions influencing growth and productivity in Masson pine in east and central China

[发表时间]:2021-02-22 [拟稿人]: [审核人]: [责任编辑]:亚热带林业研究所 [浏览次数]:

论文题目:Genetic parameters and genotype by environment interactions influencing growth and productivity in Masson pine in east and central China

论文作者:Chengzhi Yuan, Zhen Zhang*, Guoqing Jin,Yi Zheng, Zhichun Zhou,Linshan Sun, Huabiao Tong

期刊来源:Forest Ecology and Management


TheMasson pinebreeding programme has advanced to the third cycle. However, breeding and deployment are based largely on plantation inventory zones rather than biological patterns of genotype by environment interaction (G×E) and consequently cannot deliver optimal genetic gains across the whole plantation estate.The present study analysed G × E in family tests of Masson pine planted in the eastern and central regions of China. Twenty-sixcontrolled pollination families were selected at three experimental sites. Measurements were performed at 8 years of age for diameter at breast height, total height, and volume. The genotype and G×E (GGE) biplot was used to study the effects of G × E, and the type B correlation coefficients was used to evaluate the extent of G × E. Significant site, family and family × site effects on growth traits were found (p< 0.05). Family heritability ( ) and individual heritability ( ranged from 0.59 to 0.84 and 0.16 to 0.38.The type B correlation refers to genetic correlation between different environments. In this study, type B correlation coefficients between tested sites were all less than 0.8, indicating significant G × E among families at different sites. The volume of family 6 was highest at the TZS and XJ sites, and that of family 4 was highest at the SW site. 12 superior families and 49 superior individual trees were selected, and, as determined by comparison with the controls, the real gain (G) of volume was 23.70% and 279.53%, respectively.At the three sites, the individual volumes of families 6, and 15 were larger and more stable than those of other families, while family 4 was large and unstable. Theanalyses revealed that those families that perform best in all the tests can be planted in areas with similar environmental traits to the sites tested here.Excellent genotypes with stable and high yield can provide a basis for follow-up breeding work.
